“People don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves.”
In any business, user research is a natural first step in the design process.
The most critical factor you should consider when designing a digital product or service is the audience.
If you plan to design your next product your users will love, you must know what your audience wants and needs. And this means user research should be an essential part of the User Experience design process.
It’s critical to keep your users top of mind before you start designing! This will allow you to provide value for people who’ll use your product and focus on benefits instead of features.
Designers should recognise when to stop adding features and keep what people love about an experience—image by user onboard.
You can know more about UX and UI here: https://xd.adobe.com/ideas/career-tips/15-rules-every-ux-designer-know/
Do you need any help with your website or mobile app User experience or User Interface? Contact us and let’s discover together how we can help you.