Do you think that does not happen to you? Maybe you can take a surprise. This website tell you if they have hacked your email or if it has been sold.
Mail hacking is one of the most common things you will find in the Internet world. And in fact, you may not even realize it. The villains will have, in one way or another, your data and you will not know it (in most cases).
Therefore, the best thing is to keep an eye on it and find out once and for all if it has already happened. You can also know if it has been sold on the black market; all in a safe and free way.
Mail hacked or sold? find it out
You can know it very easily with the help of two web pages. Let’s start by knowing if you have ever been hacked into life. Have I Been Pwned? is going to help you. You just have to enter your email to see if it has happened. It’s free and you can remove yourself from the database at any time.