All data coming from usage of your app is crucial for the correct and successful evolution of the product. Using the power of analytics is a vital practice to build better apps. Inapptics is a real-time app analytics platform that helps you track user behavior and get actionable insights to improve your app. What you should analyse?
Screen flows
Analyze user journeys in your app. Learn which flows are the most popular, most crashed or most recent. Understand the issues your users are facing and see if they take the flow you have envisioned when designing the app.
Visual funnels
Use funnels to see the number and percentage of users who have completed an important path. Unlike traditional funnels, we don’t just show how many users have successfully achieved the goal, we also show what happened to the users who dropped off from the funnel.
Understand which are the best performing areas of your app and which are less attractive to your users. Explore the user’s browsing habits and see which buttons actually work and which ones are being ignored.
Crash replays
Automatically catch all the crashes in your app. No more guesswork, no more digging into crash logs to see what happened and asking users what they did that resulted in a crash. Seamlessly replay crashed sessions.
Users list
Imagine you could see a comprehensive list of all your app users and their actions. You can do this with Inapptics! Browse through user sessions to see how often they use your app, how much time they spend in it and what they did last before leaving your app.
We can implement to your app a tool like