The poker industry is known to be huge on the Internet. All Poker Deals created a Spanish speaking community focusing on this particular market. Their main aim is to offer from middleweight to top poker players the best online poker deals. Founders are very well known as professional players and they are ready to deliver the best tips and pieces of advice to take all their players at the top of the table.
iMediavan team has answered their main challenges with a solid new platform. It was very important for AllPokerDeals to change their visual identity. Results have been exponentially beneficial for their marketing strategy.
The new design and UI make the website more appealing and very easy to use for the players. All information is kept in a very clear and easy structure. Players can find the crucial facts quickly or deep into the details.
We integrated an automated CHAT system that makes easier to answer the basic questions first and engage with the user straight after, saving time to the administrators.
A powerful CMS holds the main core of the business. Users can log in and check all the information needed (games, percentages, rakes, bonuses, payments…) Administrators can control everything that is occurring on the public area and manage all their business admin tasks.
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